De Jure Segregation and Corruption out of the Closet at University of  North Carolina - Validating Jeremiah Wright

“The world is seeing explosive growth today in the commercialization of nanotechnology.  We will have all of the assets right here in Guilford “The world is seeing explosive growth today in the commercialization of nanotechnology.  We will have all of the assets right here in Guilford
Buck Stops Here
County that we need to participate in that explosion, and  they will be right here at the Gateway University Research Park." said Erskine president of the University of North Carolina system .[ 1 ] “Federal grants make up the bulk of A&T's research funding."[30] "With the millions of federal dollars flowing to this center, what [ we] can do to increase the economic opportunities in Guilford County, the Triad and in the state of  North Carolina is truly phenomenal," said Erskine Bowles , president of the UNC system. [A&T lands prized NSF center][31].  Local media reported " Wilbur L. Ross Jr., a billionaire financier and the country's newest textile industry baron, plans to invest more money in nanotechnology companies. " [32 ] Orchestrating commercialization of  federal research manner and means assets at NC A&T came to be located at fraudulently alleged joint Millennial Campus Gateway Research Park  and who benefitted is subject of this Statement of the Case     

February 1970 the University of North Carolina (System) received notice of its non-compliance with Title VI from HEW's Office for Civil Rights .  [33]  The board of trustees of the University of North Carolina were redesignated, effective July 1, 1972, as the 'Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina.'   The Higher Education Reorganization Act of 1971, placed those 16 institutions under one governing board, in doing so  the  Legislature may have only organized non-compliance by placing people who may have been the source of non-compliance in the same room and given them control - old dogs don't learn new tricks.
There are 15 or more members on the Board of Governors from UNC-Chapel Hill and none from North Carolina A&T or other HBCUs within the system, clearly equality and respect has not been shown to A&T by the system.  A&T Board of Trustee [34]
Highlights of UNC Campuses' Responses to the Needs of North Carolina was published at, One innovative proposal for a new collaboration was offered by UNC Charlotte to create a NanoNetwork for Statewide Collaboration between UNC
Institutions involved in nanotechnology and Nanoscience including NC State, UNC Chapel Hill, UNC Charlotte, and UNC Greensboro to facilitate collaborative use of research equipment, facilitate collaborative research, showcase collective nanotechnology oriented website.
 [ ]  The published UNC at Charlotte innovative proposal for a Statewide NanoNetwork between UNC Institutions involved in nanotechnology
exclude Historical Black Institutions NC A&T and North Carolina Central Universities who have significant Nanotechnology and Nanoscience credentials relative to UNC at Charlotte and UNC at Greensboro but  may unambiguous reflect  Eighteen & Nineteenth Century mindset of the unelected 32 member UNC Board of Governors  and  long range plans of the UNC Tomorrow Commission- statement was published. 
HBIs NC A&T conducted $11 Million dollars and North Carolina Central CU $2.3 million dollars of  Nanotechnology  Research between  years 2000-2005 compared to  $5. 5 million at UNCC and $45 thousand dollars at UNC Greensboro, source  Nanotechnology in North Carolina, 2007
NC A&T is "well known in areas such as advanced materials, nanotechnology, computational science,  and says N.  Radhakrishnan, former  for research and economic development at N.C. A&T. The school also has significant strengths in other areas, including biotechnology, energy and the environment,  information sciences and technology,   logistics and  transportation  development.  All  these  endeavors are aligned in eight  research clusters that bring  faculty together across disciplines to   develop large research

"We're Not Following Any Path, We're Blazing A Trail"

projects. These research clusters run in parallel with a number of multidisciplinary centers and institutes at N.C. A&T, which develop partnerships with private and corporate sponsors, educational institutions, and government agencies. This includes two US Army Centers of Excellence that are working on projects to enhance the capabilities of soldiers on the battlefield.  [3]
NCA&T Photo: From left: Faculty advisor Vernal Alford and Young Scholars Shira Chandler, Dondre McCaskill, Brianna Hargett, Aditya Badve, Ephraim Bililign and Aditya Garg
If you ask Greensboro high school student Brianna Hargett what she did over the summer, you won’t get a typical answer. She’ll tell you about her research in automatic imaging analysis of biomaterials. Ms. Hargett and five fellow
students from local high schools didn’t have ordinary summers. They spent six weeks as hands-on bioengineering researchers at the Engineering Research Center (ERC) at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University.   Bioengineering

Nanoscale technologies are largely experimental [6]

 In 2011 HMI North Carolina A&T for the 7th consecutive year  garnered the third largest  highest amount of sponsored research in 17 constituent UNC system surpassed only by UNC flag ships UNC-Chapel Hill and NC State holds patents in Advanced Materials,
Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Computational Science, Environmental Sciences,  Transportation Systems, and Public Health,  for  seventh consecutive year achieved  the third highest  research funding in the 16-constituent University of North Carolina  System with  over  $60 million dollars.

North Carolina A&T Nano Centers

  • Center for Advanced Materials and Smart Structures
  • Center for Nanoscale Chemical-Electrical-Mechanical Manufacturing Systems
  • Engineering Research Center for Revolutionalizing Metallic Biomaterials
  • Center for Nanoscience and Nanomaterials

UNC at Greensboro Nanoscience  Centers

  • Center of Research Excellence in Nanobiosciences

Source: North Carolina Board of Science and Technology

NC A&T Sponsored Research 2001 - 2011

In 2006 in the category of Doctorial Granting  Universities NC A&T was rated High Research Activity University in the Carnegie Foundation

classification of colleges  and universities. 
 NCA&T State University  has been funded at an average rate of $3-5 million   per year  in the area of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Most of the research in nanoengineering is done in the Center for Advanced Materials and Smart Structures (CAMSS). Several Centers and projects are under CAMSS, including the NSF Center for Research Excellence in Science and Technology (CREST), the DoD Center for Nanoscience, Nanomaterials and Multifunctional Materials (CNN) for Homeland Security, the NSF Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center (NSEC), the NSF project on US/Europe Materials Collaboration: Self-Organized Nanostructured Thin Films for Catalysis, the NSF project on Nanoscale Interdisciplinary Research Teams (NIRT), the NSF Major Research Instrumentation for Nanoengineering Research, and the 
Request to Establish NCA&T/UNCG Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering March 5, 2007

Nanotechnology in North Carolina, 2007

NSF Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education (NUE) program. CAMSS also facilitates many of the materials research activities of the NASA-National Institute for Aerospace (NIA). In addition, the Center for Composite Materials Research (CCMR) does research in nano-enhanced composite materials and the Army Center of Excellence for Battlefield Capability Enhancements (Flexible Displays) does research in material characterization and development of novel displays. [ ]
In addition to fraud and corruption, the 1.4 Billion dollars plus question representing potential loss of UNC Federal research and Title VI  funding, has University of North Carolina - the legal name of the unelected 32 member NC Board of Governors (UNC BOG) - with statutory supervision of the 16 constituent public universities n the UNC-System implemented segregationist policies of discrimination, separate and unequal dual system of education, and denial of equal protection with authorization of MS and PhD Nanoscience degree to cross-town HWI UNC Greensboro via the Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering (JSNN) at fraudulent alleged statutory (NC. GS. § 116-198.34.(8b)) designated Joint Millennium campus Gateway Research Park,  Inc,  requiring Nanoscience students be given the opportunity to take courses at the School of Engineering at HBI North Carolina A&T University ( NCA&T) and be able to work on collaborative projects with faculty in the  School of Engineering  when established UNC Policy Academic Program Planning and Evaluation pertaining to Interdisciplinary Degrees 400.1.1 [R] that says  “ if more than one campus is involved in     offering  the program it would also be a joint degree”.  Excluding HMI NC A&T from offering Nanoscience degrees    which established UNC Policy says should be joint degrees, UNC BOG discriminated , denied due process, equal protection to the   university,   depriving it of enrollment growth funding, degree credit, and benefit of prior appropriations  for Nanoscience faculty as it facilitated cross town HWI Liberal Arts UNCG use HBI NC A&T’s curriculum, faculty, and research, to establish competitive  Nanoscience  program. 

PCG/UNC-NCCCS/UNC Interim report 3.doc/RB.SP.PC.CR.ATPCC.1/CC.14/10May05 Page 34

UNCG  2006-07 Academic Profile  Source : www. UNCG. edu

Regulations for Academic Program Planning and Evaluation UNC Policy Manual  400.1.1[R]

Alleged UNCG Revised MS Nanoscience Request

Degrees - Amended and Restated Management Agreement (April 24, 2009)

 [ ] Highlights of UNC Campuses' Responses to the Needs of North Carolina, Facilitating Inter-stitutional Collaborations (5.) page 4
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UNCG and NC A&T partner to create joint program in nanotechnology October 8, 2007 By Sharlini Sankaran,